ETO Sterilizer : FAQ'S

Who is the manufacturer of industrial ETO sterilizer?

Krishna Engineering is recognized as a top manufacturer of industrial ETO sterilizers in India. Being acknowledged as a top producer in a specialized field such as industrial ETO sterilizers says volumes about Krishna Engineering's product quality and dependability. We are always keeps in mind about the consumer’s capability to select our home in an esteemed way. Our best range includes ETO Sterilizer, Gas Sterilizer, Ethylene Oxide Sterilizer, Double Door ETO Sterilizer, Small Scale ETO Sterilizer and many more.

What is EtO in sterilization?

Ethylene Oxide (EtO) is a highly effective sterilization agent used to kill bacteria, viruses, fungi, and other microorganisms on certain materials that are sensitive to heat, moisture, or other sterilization methods.

EtO sterilization involves exposing items to ethylene oxide gas in a controlled environment, typically within a sealed chamber or system. This process is commonly used for items that might be damaged by traditional sterilization methods like steam or high heat, such as certain medical devices, pharmaceuticals, electronics, and plastic components.

What is EtO sterilizer size?

The size of an Ethylene Oxide (EtO) sterilizer can vary widely depending on the intended use, industry requirements, and the items being sterilized. These sterilizers come in various capacities to accommodate different volumes of items. Sizes can range from small tabletop units suitable for sterilizing small batches of medical instruments to large industrial-scale systems used for sterilizing large quantities of medical devices or other sensitive materials.

The size of an EtO sterilizer is an important consideration based on the specific needs of the industry, the volume of items requiring sterilization, and the throughput required for efficient operations. Safety measures and regulatory compliance also influence the design and size of EtO sterilizers to ensure proper handling and effective sterilization processes.

Who manufactures ethylene oxide in India?

Ethylene Oxide Manufacturing Excellence by Krishna Engineering

At Krishna Engineering, we pride ourselves on being at the forefront of ethylene oxide production in India. With a commitment to excellence and innovation, we manufacture high-quality ethylene oxide, catering to diverse industrial needs across the country.

Krishna Engineering ensures the highest standards of quality in ethylene oxide production. Our meticulous processes and rigorous quality checks guarantee a product that meets industry specifications and regulatory requirements.

What chemical is used in EtO?

Ethylene oxide (EtO) is the primary chemical used in EtO sterilization processes. It's a colorless, flammable gas that's highly reactive. EtO has potent sterilizing properties, capable of destroying bacteria, viruses, fungi, and other microorganisms. The active agent in the sterilizing process is ethylene oxide, which causes damage to the DNA and proteins of microbes, effectively rendering them unable to reproduce or cause infections. However, because EtO is combustible and poisonous, it necessitates cautious handling, exact monitoring, and post-sterilization aeration to guarantee that residual gas levels are safe for usage.